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April 25, 2022

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Illustration of man driving a speedboat Coastal, Fresh, Cedar
Kiawah Solid Fragrance

Here's how to get started with your Discovery Set


Fulton & Roark Fragrance Discovery Set


Order your Discovery Set

Applying fragrance to pulse points


Try each fragrance.

Choosing solid fragrance on mobile phone


Use your $30 code to get the matching Solid Fragrance.

Applying solid fragrance on wrist




We know jumping in on trying five fragrances at once can be a little overwhelming, so we wanted to offer a few tips on how to make the most of your experience. 

1.Start by spraying a fragrances on a piece of paper. Then, label the paper with the fragrance name so you can keep track of which one you are smelling.
2. Give it a moment for the fragrance to settle and give the paper a sniff. Repeat this for the five fragrances in your Discovery Set. Consider smelling your arm in between each fragrance to "reset" your nose and avoid nasal fatigue.
3. If you think a fragrance has potential for you, try spraying it on your wrist. Give it a moment to settle on your skin, and then give your wrist a sniff. If it still seems like a good fit, consider applying more on your neck.
4. Wear it out for a while and see what you (and perhaps your significant other or friends) think. You may notice it smells different on you than it did on the paper. That's to be expected. Ideally, you'll like how it smells on you even better.
5. Keep trying each of the fragrances over several days until you've landed on the fragrance that is the right fit for you.
6. Once you have landed on your favorite fragrance (or fragrances), it's time to place your order for a full-sized square! With your first Discovery Set purchase, you get a code for $30 off any full-sized product.


Five Spray Vials


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Free US shipping on orders $50+

